Install Oracle Database 11g XE || Oracle Database

Install Oracle Database 11g XE. Oracle Database

Install Oracle Database 11g XE. Oracle Database


কিভাবে OracleDatabase XE-11g ইনস্টল করবেন || Oracle Apex || Install Oracle Database

# প্রথমে লিংকে ক্লিক করে ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড করুন। (First download the file by clicking on the link.), Install Oracle Database 

🔗 Click Download Oracle Database 11g XE-

# ডাউনলোড সম্পূর্ণ হলে ফাইলটি আনজিপ করুন। (When the download is complete, unzip the file.) 
# পরবর্তীতে ফাইলটি ওপেন করে সেটাপ ফাইলে ক্লিক করুন। (Next open the file and click on the setup file. 
# ভিডিওটি সম্পুর্ন দেখুন। (Watch the full video.) Install Oracle Database, 

Oracle 12C Database New Features

 Install Oracle Database 11g XE. Oracle Database
আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিওতে কীভাবে OracleAPEX 20.1 ইনস্টল করবেন তা দেখাবো। 

Education In this article I will explain about the new features of the Oracle 12c website. Oracle 12c has new emerging features one of which I consider one of the most important new feature Database connectivity which is a major change in the current design so what a website can be connected to. Here Oracle Meta data and user data are completely divided into two categories. Another DB container, which will handle Oracle Metadata. When you create a new database it automatically comes with Oracle Metadata. If you install any website in the system before uploading any user data called “Metadata”. Then we upload user data to almost every user program. One is named DB owner who will handle Oracle Metadata. One is called Pluggable DB, which will capture client information and specific client metadata. I will show you why this is necessary and why I think this is one

of the critical aspects of Oracle 12c. We have to take the current engineering and architectural engineering used up to prophet 11g. SO what happened on a typical website. Prophet metadata and client service information are integrated into one component. When we add another instant database it comes with a prophet set that provided information. What we can call Metadata. What the needs of a website are. So once we have created an incomplete database despite the fact that we can call it has space. They have a part of the prophet's knowledge that we can call the Prophet Metadata. For example there may be protests hosted by SYS-SCHEMA and a pattern pattern often enters when the prophet Metadata. So once we have set up a new website and edit client drawings and then upload client information to it. So this is the current model of construction, so we have

an event-controlled website. Firmly covered. Suppose there is a situation where we need to create another database on the same server. We need to create another database on the same server so let's assume we already have one server with one active database (DB1). We need to build another database called DB2. So the first example of the website is INS1 and the second is the INS2 website. Why would it be necessary to create another database say we provide data to clients (client1). We like to provide data to two clients (client2). Especially for security we do not want that data used by client1 to be seen by client2 so how can we be sure of it by creating all two databases. There are other schema methods and access that are really controlled by rights and everything but there is always a chance for things to go well. The

client can eventually see good data. To avoid being created by two different databases. We give client1 and client2 access. We will need the first SGA1 website and the second SGA2 website. We will Provide You need additional data on the Oracle 12C New Features website. Please click: ORACLE DBA TRAINING IN HYDERABAD.


🔗 Demo Application-
            URL- Demo Application
            Username - demo, Pass- demo

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