How to Show/Hide Region and Item With Animation in Oracle Apex

Show/Hide Region and Item With Animation in Oracle Apex

    1. Create Region and item
    2. Create Button, (Region Hide, Region Show, Item Hide, Item Show)
    3. Set Region Static ID >> ID= REG2 >  and save

          Create Dynamic Action >> Event >>Click >> Selection Type >> Button >> "Region Hide"
          Action >> Execute JavaScript Code >>   $("#REG2").hide(1000);

          Create Dynamic Action >> Event >>Click >> Selection Type >> Button >> "Region Show"
          Action >> Execute JavaScript Code >>    $("#REG2").show(1000);

          Create Dynamic Action >> Event >>Click >> Selection Type >> Button >> "Item Hide"
          Action >> Execute JavaScript Code >>    $("#P28_ITEM_1_CONTAINER").hide(1000);

          Create Dynamic Action >> Event >>Click >> Selection Type >> Button >> "Item Show"
          Action >> Execute JavaScript Code >>    $("#P28_ITEM_1_CONTAINER").show(1000);

    Then Enjoy

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Hlo Sir

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