How to Use Select All box in Interactive Report Oracle Apex

Select All / Unselect All Checkbox in Interactive Report and Delete Select row Oracle Apex

1. Create Region and Interactive Report
2. Use the following code inside the report code

           check1 from USERS_LOG

3. Use the following code in the heading of the CHECK1 item
  <input type="checkbox" id="selectUnselectAll" title="Select/UnselectAll">
4. Disable the Escape special characters option from the Security option
    of the CHECK1 item
5. Enter the Static ID =partnerslRR from Advanced as you like in the report
6. Create Dynamic Action >> Event >>Chang>> Selection Type >> jQuery Selector 
    >> jQuery Selector = #selectUnselectAll
      Action >> Execute JavaScript Code >>   
            if ( $( '#selectUnselectAll' ).is(':checked') ) {
                  else {
7. Create a Delete Button
8. Create a Delete Processes >> Type = Execute Code >> Source Language =
    >> PL/SQL Code :
        FOR I in 1..APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02.COUNT LOOP             DELETE USERS_LOG             WHERE LOG_ID=APEX_APPLICATION.G_F02(i);             END LOOP;
Server-side Condition >> When Button Pressed = Delete

Then Enjoy


Hlo Sir

  1. ADD- $('#selectUnselectAll').click(function () {
    $('input:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked);
    }); in Function and Global Variable Declaration of the page. Defect on single checkbox fixed with this.

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