How to Add Like Unlike button in Oracle Apex

How to Add Like Unlike button in Oracle Apex

How to Add Like Unlike button in Oracle Apex

If you're an Oracle Apex developer looking to enhance user interaction on your web applications, adding a like and unlike button can be a valuable feature. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a like and unlike button in Oracle Apex, empowering you to create engaging and user-friendly applications. Whether you' re a beginner or an experienced developer, this article will provide you with step-by-step instructions and valuable insights to help you achieve your goal.

How to Add Like Unlike Button in Oracle Apex

To add a like and unlike button in Oracle Apex, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

Before you start implementing the like and unlike button functionality, make sure you have a working environment set up with Oracle Apex installed. If you haven't already done so, download and install Oracle Apex from the official Oracle website. Ensure that you have the necessary privileges to create and modify applications within Oracle Apex.

Step 2: Create a New Application

Once your environment is set up, open Oracle Apex and create a new application. Provide a name for your application and select a suitable template based on your requirements. This template will serve as the foundation for your application's design and layout.

Step 3: Design the Application Page

After creating the application, design the page where you want to add the like and unlike button. You can use the built-in page designer in Oracle Apex to customize the layout, add components, and define the desired functionality.

Step 4: Add a Region for the Like Unlike Button

In the page designer, add a region to your application page specifically for the like and unlike button. This region will serve as the container for the buttons and any associated content. Customize the region properties to align with your application's design.

Step 5: Implement the Like Unlike Button Functionality

To implement the like and unlike button functionality, you need to utilize a combination of SQL, PL/SQL, and JavaScript. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:

  1. Create a table in your Oracle database to store the data related to likes and unlikes. The table should include fields for the user ID, item ID, and like status.

  2. In the page designer, add a button component for the like button and another for the unlike button within the region you created earlier.

  3. Configure the button attributes, such as labels, icons, and styling, to make them visually appealing and intuitive.

  4. Write PL/SQL processes to handle the button actions. When a user clicks the like or unlike button, the corresponding process should update the like status in the database table.

  5. Use JavaScript to dynamically update the button appearance based on the current like status. For example, if a user has already liked an item, the like button should be disabled or hidden.

  6. To ensure a smooth user experience, consider implementing AJAX calls to handle the button actions asynchronously, without refreshing the entire page.

Step 6: Test and Refine

Once you've implemented the like and unlike button functionality, thoroughly test your application to ensure everything works as expected. Check for any bugs, edge cases, or performance issues. Solicit feedback from users or colleagues to gather insights on the user experience and make any necessary refinements.

1.  Create a Table

    "USER_ID" VARCHAR2(150),

2. Create a New Page And Region
3. Create a Report, Name- Like & Unlike Report

select OID,

4. Create Tow New Button1- LIKE, 2- UNLIKE
5. Goto LIKE Button Properties

  • Icon-fa-thumbs-up

6. Goto UNLIKE Button Properties

  • Icon- fa-thumbs-down

7. Create dynamic action on the LIKE button

  • Name- Insert like
  • Advanced - Event Scope - Static
              a. Action-Execut Server-side Code

Paste the following code -

insert into LIKE_TABLE (OID, LIKE1, USER_NAME) values (LIKE_OID.nextval, 1, : APP_USER);

b. Action

  • Refresh
  • Like Unlike Report

8. Create dynamic action on the UNLIKE button

  • Name-Insert Un Like
  • Advanced - Event Scope - Static

  a. Action

  • Execut Server-side Code
  • Paste the following code -
begin insert into LIKE_TABLE (OID, UN_LIKE, USER_NAME) values (LIKE_OID.nextval, 1, : APP_USER);


  1. Refresh
  2. Like Unlike Report

9. Create Tow Item 1- LIKE, 2- UNLIKE
10. Goto Shared Components

  • Application Computations
  • Click-Create
  • Computation Item(Value Required)
  • P2_LIKE
  • Computation Point
  • Before Region(s)
  • Computation Type
  • Sql Query (return singl value)
  • Paste the following code-
select count(like1) from like_table 

11. Again Application Computations

  1. Click- Create
  2. Computation Item(Value Required)
  3. P2_UNLIKE
  4. Computation Point
  5. Before Region(s)
  6. Computation Type
  7. Sql Query (return singl value)
  8. Paste the following code-
select count(UN_LIKE) from like_table 

12. Chenge Like Item Label

  1. Paste the following code-
(& P2_LIKE.)

13. Chenge UnLike Item Label

  1. Paste the following code-
(& P2_UNLIKE.)

14. Hide All Item.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I add a like and unlike button to any Oracle Apex application?

Yes, you can add a like and unlike button to any Oracle Apex application. The process described in this article can be applied to both new and existing applications.

Do I need to have advanced programming skills to implement the like and unlike button?

While some programming knowledge is beneficial, the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide aim to make the process accessible to developers of all skill levels. With basic SQL, PL/SQL, and JavaScript understanding, you can successfully add a like and unlike button to your Oracle Apex application.

Can I customize the appearance of the like and unlike button?

Absolutely ! Oracle Apex provides various customization options for button components. You can modify the labels, icons, colors, and styles to align with your application's design and branding.

Is it possible to track and display the number of likes and unlikes for an item?

Yes, by extending the database table and implementing additional SQL queries and PL/SQL processes, you can track the number of likes and unlikes for each item. You can then display this information alongside the buttons or in any other desired location within your application.

Can I restrict users from liking or unliking multiple times?

Yes, you can implement logic in your PL/SQL processes to restrict users from liking or unliking multiple times. By checking the user ID and item ID against the database records, you can enforce such restrictions.

Are there any performance considerations when implementing the like and unlike button?

While the implementation itself does not pose significant performance challenges, it's important to design your database schema efficiently and optimize your SQL queries. Proper indexing and query tuning can help ensure optimal performance, especially when dealing with a large number of likes and unlikes.


Adding a like and unlike button in Oracle Apex can greatly enhance user interaction and engagement within your web applications. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can empower yourself to create dynamic and user-friendly interfaces. Remember to test your application thoroughly, gather feedback, and iterate based on user insights. With persistence and creativity, you'll be able to create compelling applications that delight your users.

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Hlo Sir

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