How To Update And Delete Data From Apex Collection, Part-3

<span style="font-size:22px"><h2>How To Update And Delete Data From Apex Collection. Part-3</h2></span>

How To Update And Delete Data From Apex Collection. Part-3


When a user clicks or saves any data, it is the easiest way to create a report by holding the data according to the user session without saving the data in the database.

I will try to show you how to create reports, update data and delete data through Apex Collection. If you watch all the videos of my Apex Collection, hopefully you will get a complete idea about Apex Collection. In the next video, I will try to show you how to update the data of Apex Collection.

In today's tutorial, I will show you how to update and delete Apex collection data. If you haven't seen the previous videos on my Apex Collection, please watch the video by clicking on the link in the description.

🔗 Apex collection and Report, Part-1 Video Url--

🔗 Save Collection Data, Part-2 Video Url--

🔗 Update and Delete Data, Part 3 Video Url--

Steps On How To Update Data Use Apex collection ?

1. Create a New Page-item Name- Edit.
2. Go To The Edit Of The Report. 
3. Change Type >> Link.       Target --> Type --> Url --> Paste The Following Code

javascript : $s('P8_STUDENT_ID', '#STUDENT_ID#');
javascript : $s(
javascript : $s('P8_ADDRESS', '#ADDRESS#');
javascript : $s('P8_PHONE', '#PHONE#');
javascript : $s('P8_DATE1', '#DATE1#');
javascript : $s('P8_EDIT', '#ID#');

Link Text --> 

< img src = "#IMAGE_PREFIX#app_ui/img/icons/apex-edit-pencil-alt.png" class = "apex-edit-pencil-alt" alt = "" >

4. Create a Button, Name-Apply_Changes       Create a Dynamic Action --> Name-Update Data
       Action >> Execute Server-side code -->        PL/SQL Code --> Paste the following code

 p_collection_name => 'STUDENT', p_seq => : P8_EDIT, 
 p_c001 => : P8_STUDENT_ID, p_c002 => : P8_STUDENT_NAME, 
 p_c003 => : P8_ADDRESS, p_c004 => : P8_PHONE, 
 p_c005 => : P8_DATE1

Items to Submit --> All Item
Create Action --> Refresh --> Selection Type --> Region --> Report. 
Create Action --> Clear --> Selection Type --> Item(s) --> All Item. 

Steps On How To Delete Data Use Apex collection ?

5. Create a New Page-item, Name- Delete.
6. Go to the ID of the report. 
7. Change Type --> Link.
      Target --> Type --> Url --> Paste the following code 


Link Text --> 
8. Create a dynamic action Delete items --> Name-Delete Data
    Client-side Condition --> Type --> Item is not null,
    Action --> Execute Server-side code --> PL/SQL Code --> Paste the following code

 p_collection_name => 'STUDENT', p_seq => : P8_DELETE

Items to Submit --> P8_DELETE
Create Action --> Refresh --> Selection Type --> Region --> Report. 
Create Action --> Clear --> Selection Type --> Item(s) --> P8_DELETE 

9. Hide the item P8_EDIT, P8_DELETE duo at the end of all.

🔗 Demo Application-
            URL- Demo Application
            Username - demo, Pass- demo

I hope everyone will like it. Please watch the full video,
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Comment on any of your issues, I will try my best to solve the problem, In-Shah Allah. Everyone's cooperation is desirable.
Visit my blog site, new technology-related videos, you will get different types of tutorials of Oracle Apex, and hopefully, you can use them in your daily work.

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Then Enjoy.........................


Hlo Sir

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