HomeCompouter_Software How to do a Custom Search in an interactive report || Apex jABER IT LTDjABER IT LTD -7:29 PM 0 How to Add Custom Search in an interactive report, Apex Some Discussion About Custom Search in an interactive report oracle apex. Using custom search in the Oracle apex application's Interactive Report, you can quickly and instantly search any data. Using it will make daily work faster and easier. Any user will feel comfortable using it. Hopefully, after seeing this post, you will be able to add the custom search option to your application properly. If you have any comments about this post, be sure to leave a comment in the comment box. Steps How To Custom Search in an interactive report. I will try to show you step by step how to Custom Search In Interactive Report 1. Create a New Blank page, Name- Custom Search In Interactive Report 2. Create a Interactive Report, Name- Custom Search 3. Appearance of your Interactive Report Add a class to CSS Classes. You can paste the code given by me - CustomSearch 4. At this stage, go to the properties of your page and copy and paste the code given below in the Execute when Page Loads box. $('.a-IRR-search-field').keyup(function() { v_search = $('.a-IRR-search-field').val(); v_search = v_search.toLowerCase(); $(".CustomSearch td").each(function() { cellData = $(this).text(); cellData = cellData.toLowerCase(); cellData = cellData.search(v_search); if ((cellData != '-1' || cellData == 0) && v_search != '') { $(this).closest('td').addClass('u-success'); } else if (cellData == '-1') { $(this).closest('td').removeClass('u-success'); } else $(this).closest('td').removeClass('u-success'); }); }); Visit my site to get more collaborative posts about Oracle Apex and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks. Comment on any of your problems, I will try my best to solve the problem In-Shah Allah. Everyone's cooperation is desirable. Visit my blog site, new technology-related videos, you will get different types of tutorials of Oracle Apex, hopefully, you can use them in your daily work. Youtoub Video- https://youtu.be/9wHLF57ezwI If There Is Any Problem With The SQL Code Provided By Me Then You Can Definitely Let Me Know By Mail Or Mobile Number And Comment. I Must Give You Any SQL Code. 🔗 Demo Application- Url- Demo Application Username- demo, Pass- demo User Authorization is an important issue for any web application. Without the use of "User Authorization", no application is complete. I will try to show all the important things in the Oracle Apex application through a few parts, including user login according to "User Authorization", user role, user log, user menu usage. Hopefully, if you see all the parts related to "User Authorization", you can easily use "User Authorization" in Oracle Apex.Below Is The Link To All The Posts Related To User Authorization. Can Turn Around A Little If Needed. Links to all the parts related to User Authorization will be given below. 1. User Authorization Schemes, Part-1 Video Url- https://youtu.be/vSdzwnkFDRs2. Add Create New Account button on the login page, User Authorization, Part-2 Video Url- https://youtu.be/IajwZ5dp6Qc3. Create a ChangePassword Page, User Authorization, Part-3 Video Url- https://youtu.be/iRXsO0MTOuM4. Reset Password, User Authorization, Part-4 Video Url- https://youtu.be/IK3PjyWGQIA5. Dynamic Navigation Menu, User Authorization, Part-5 Video Url- https://youtu.be/Ozoc4cpjBKY6. Set Menu According To User Access Role, User Authorization Part-6 Video URL- https://youtu.be/X407N_N2HNM7. Add Edit Button in Report According to User Access Role || Oracle APEX? User Authentication, Part-7.User Authorization Video URL- https://youtu.be/n9W64qUoS1E8. Access google authentication in Oracle Apex | Google Authentication. User Authorization Video URL- https://youtu.be/X407N_N2HNM9. Change Password in Email Verification if you Forget Your Password. User Authorization Video URL- https://youtu.be/MPZQuraig7w To see more about Oracle Apex Application, you can visit my website.You Can Also Visit My YouTube Channel. I Try My Best To Share My Education With Everyone. I Will Always Try To Give You Something New. Please Help By Subscribing To My YouTube Channel.I hope everyone will like it. Please watch the full video,Comment on any of your problems, I will try my best to solve the problem, In-Shah Allah. Everyone's cooperation is desirable. Visit my blog site, new technology-related videos, you will get different types of tutorials of Oracle Apex, and hopefully, you can use them in your daily work.Please stay tuned by subscribing to the YouTube channel, and encourages new videos to be uploaded.=================Visit my site to get more collaborative posts about Oracle Apex and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks.Comment on any of your problems, I will try my best to solve the problem, In-Shah Allah. Everyone's cooperation is desirable.Visit my blog site, new technology-related videos, you will get different types of tutorials of Oracle Apex, and hopefully, you can use them in your daily work.==============================🙍🏾 Md jABER HOSSEN📲 Mobile- +8801760688286📨 Email- jaberit786@gmail.com🌐 FB- facebook.com/mdjaber.hossen1Please Subscribe My ChannelMany thanks for visiting the site. Then Enjoy......................... Facebook Twitter