How To Input Voice In Any Language, Oracle Apex

How To Input Voice In Any Language, Oracle Apex

Today I will discuss in detail how to input voice in any language in your Oracle Apex application and try to show the complete working process. If you read my entire post in a good call or watch the full video, hopefully, you too can easily input voice in your Apex application.

Some Discussion About How To Input, Voice In Any Language.

We will use a plugin for how to input voice in any language in the Oracle Apex application. To use the plugin, first, download the plugin by clicking on the link below. Once the plugin download is complete, input it into your application. Hopefully, there is no need to discuss how to download the plugin and input the plugin into the application, I believe any Apex application developer knows the relationship between downloading the plugin and inputting the plugin.


🔗 Click The Download Button Below To Download The Plugin.
             Url-  download


Steps To How To Input, Voice In Any Language.

Once the plugin is input into your Oracle Apex application, follow the steps below.
1. Create A New Page,  Name- Text Based On Voice Input
2. Create a Region, Name- Select Language
3. Create Item, Name- Language
           Type >> Popup LOV >> SQL Query -
            SELECT language || ' (' || code || ')' AS d, code AS r
               FROM ALL_languages
             ORDER BY 1
4. Create a Region, Name- Voice Input
5. Create a Button , Name- Recorded
           Static ID-rec
6. Create Item, Name- TEXT_DISPLAY
           Type- Display Only
7. Create a Region, Name- Voice Input            Our work is almost over. At this stage we will create a dynamic action on the record button.
8. Create a Dynamic Action , Name- Voice Input
           Action >> Select Highlight Text Based On Voice Input
           Language Item- P81_LANGUAGE
           Voice Input Text Storage Item- P81_SEARCHED_TEXT_DISPLAY
           Button Static ID- rec

Try it now in your application

Using voice input in any language, you need to enable voice input. This is done by installing a plugin in your app. To download plugin tools, first, download the plugin by clicking the link below. When the plugin download is complete, install it in your app. For this blog, we will use the Voice Recognition Tool plugin. This plugin will be useful in the Oracle Apex app. Allows you to use voice input in the app. Once you have installed the plugin, you will be able to select your preferred language. When you work with a client, things can start to get hectic. This is especially true if your customer is dealing with a lot of data and information. One of the easiest ways to help your customer get past data and information is to use voice input. How to enter a voice.

🔗 Demo Application-
            Url- Demo Application
            Username- demo, Pass- demo

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Then Enjoy.........................


Hlo Sir

  1. Assalamu alaikum vai, আমি অনেক চেষ্টা করলাম কিন্তু হচ্ছে না please youtube e একটা ভিডিও দেন

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