ORA-28000 The Account Is Locked, The Solution Oracle Apex

<span style="font-size:22px"><h2>ORA-28000 The Account Is Locked, The Solution Oracle Apex</h2></span>

ORA-28000 The Account Is Locked. The Solution Oracle Apex


Reason: User Entered The Wrong Password As A Result Of The Maximum Number Of Times Specified By The User Profile Parameter Failed_login_attempts, Or Dba Account Lock.
Action: Wait For Password_lock_time Or Contact Dba
If This Fails, Open A Dbsnmp Account, Then Hit Database Target To Monitoring Configuration, Set Your Dbsnmp Password As The Password You Used When Verifying The Details Above.

1.First, Open The Sql Window On Your Computer. 

However, If Ora-28000 Continues To Occur After The Credentials Are Set Correctly, Make Sure All Connected Resources Like Dbsnmp Have The Correct Passwords. You May Even Want To Create A Separate Dbdnmp Monitoring Profile Using The Following Command After Logging In To Database As Sysdba:

2. Sys As Sysdba 
3. Select Username, Account_status,profile From Dba_users Where Username = 'test_user'; 
4. Alter Session Set "_oracle_script"=true; 
5. Sqlplus test_user/test123@orclpdb As Sysdba 
6. Grant Connect To test_user; 
7. Grant Create View To test_user; 
8. Grant Create Table To test_user; 
9. Grant Create Trigger To test_user; 
10. Alter User test_user Account Unlock; 
11. Alter Profile Default Limit Password_life_time Unlimited; 
12. Alter User test_user Profile User_unlimited; 
13. Alter User test_user Identified By test123 Account Unlock; 
14. Select Profile From Dba_users Where Username = 'test_user'; 

1. Let See Other Method Of Creating New Profile With All Unlimited Limits


	Create Profile User_unlimited Limit
    Composite_limit Unlimited
    Password_life_time Unlimited
    Password_reuse_time Unlimited
    Password_reuse_max Unlimited
    Password_verify_function Null
    Password_lock_time Unlimited
    Password_grace_time Unlimited
    Failed_login_attempts Unlimited;

You Can Also Give Some More Important Permissions.


    grant connect, resource to test_user;
    grant create session to test_user;
    alter user test_user quota unlimited on logmnrts$;
    grant select any transaction to test_user;
    grant select any table to test_user;
    grant drop any table to test_user;
    grant create any table to test_user;
    grant dba to test_user;
    grant execute_catalog_role to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$database to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_contents    to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_dictionary  to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_logfile     to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_logs        to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_parameters  to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_session     to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logmnr_transaction to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$log                   to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$logfile               to test_user;
    grant select on sys.v_$archived_log       to test_user;
    grant create tablespace to test_user;
    grant drop tablespace to test_user;
    grant drop tablespace to test_user;


🔗 Demo Application-
            URL- Demo Application
            Username - demo, Pass- demo

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